Audio processing meets the network Features 03/11/2015 Hurrairah bin Sohail speaks with manufacturers about audio processing and how their solutions have evolved to cater to the needs of the end-users in Asia Pacific.Whenever you see loudspeakers installed for the purpose of sound, know that behind the scenes audio processing is hard at work to ensure that the right signals make their way to the right end-points. DSPs are an integral component of any audio system and Matthew Packer, regional director for Asia Pacific at Biamp, identifies emerging markets as drivers of growth: “There are no countries where it [demand for DSPs] is not increasing but we are seeing particularly high demand in India and Philippines where global call centres and outsourcing companies are rapidly expanding. These offices need best-in-class conferencing facilities in order to train the local staff from their headquarters, usually located in Europe, USA or Australia.” Mark Ullrich, international sales manager at Symetrix, also gives his insight: “Symetrix is seeing a particularly high demand for DSP from Asia-Pacific countries such China, Australia, and Korea. China’s demand is largely driven by sheer scale which comes as little surprise, but at the same time, the demand for DSP in China is also being driven by the marketplace becoming more tech savvy and DSP-educated in general.” Read the full article at InAVate Active. If you are not already registered then follow the quick sign up for your free subscription and immediate access to this article and the InAVate archive.