Go with the flow

Video streaming is a service that is in high demand when it comes to Asia Pacific. But with the number of devices and displays increasing, manufacturers and system providers are facing a new set of challenges. Hurrairah bin Sohail examines further.

Increasingly, though not always, video content is distributed via the internet. Erez Dafnai, product manager at Kramer Electronics, begins: “Increased collaboration between pro AV and IT professionals helps open doors to streaming technology. Technological advancements, such as more bandwidth and improved image quality, make adopting video streaming easier. The technology enables the design and creation of new pro AV applications that would not have been feasible before.”

Tripleplay’s Rob Crocker adds: “After several years of people trying to ? nd their own way of delivering video content, we are starting to see businesses, universities and other institutions waking up to the realisation that using YouTube, Vimeo or loading MP4s onto a shared server is not a good way to deliver video content.”

“These websites give you very little control over how content is delivered, very little ability to monitor access, no ownership of the data and a complete lack of security; how can you be certain who is accessing your video content if you are placing it on a publicly accessible website?”

Luckily for end users, professional AV video streaming solutions are becoming more affordable Jerry Kushnir, senior technical adviser for Extron Australia (previously known as RGB Integration), says: “Streaming is becoming more affordable with many AV manufacturers now offering product solutions to the market.”

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