Interview: Vica Huang, Taiden

Vica Huang talks to Hurrairah bin Sohail about how taking ownership of the entire development cycle of its products helps Taiden to continue evolving its product offerings.

Doing it all by yourself is a difficult route to take but it is one that Taiden has chosen. Vica Huang, marketing director for Taiden, says: “From the start, we have been dedicated to providing the market with the very best conference systems. All of our products are designed and produced in-house. We take complete ownership of the process, from the initial design to the manufacturing and then to the sale and the service. Having this control means that we can guarantee quality to a very high degree.”

The approach has paid dividends. Taiden’s paperless multimedia conference system was chosen by the United Nations Office at Geneva [UNOG] where approximately 330 units were employed. Previous generations of the product have been deployed for the conference rooms of numerous organisations.

Huang explains the reasons why Taiden won out against a competitive field: “The timelines for the UNOG Room XIX project were very tight, and one of the reasons Taiden was chosen was that we were able to deliver what the customer wanted within the timeframe. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Swiss distributor, Media Vision Europe, for its fantastic dedication and efforts for this project.”

She continues: “This was not a simple project, there was a lot of customisation that was required. Room XIX is the largest room of the UNOG. For such a grand room a sophisticated display solution is fundamental. We managed to equip each seat with a 12-in full HD monitor. With the four video selection buttons next to the screen, delegates may choose easily from camera feed to on-screen presentation. An info button is available for direct access to the speak and request list.”

Quality of life improvements for usage were also implemented. Huang details: “In addition to the paperless multimedia conference system, a record-breaking E-ink nameplate display solution was also deployed. One nameplate at the front allows for easy identification during conferences, and a smaller one on the user’s side is to assist with navigation as delegates are guided to their seats. The ultra-wide viewing angle and strong black and white contrast of the E-ink displays provides clear viewing no matter where you are in the room. These nameplates can also be used to send global messages to delegates from the control room, or even individual messages. One application scenario would be if a delegate has the floor and is speaking too quickly, the interpreter can use a button that will display a ‘please speak slowly’ message on this delegate’s individual nameplate. And of course, this ‘slow’ button is already in place on the Taiden interpreter consoles installed in the 10 interpreter booths on the second floor.”

The features Huang mentions are not standard for conferencing products on the market. She explains how Taiden was able to deliver: “The reason Taiden was able to meet the customisation requirements and the tight timeline was because we have ownership of our product. We create it from scratch ourselves and this gives us the highest possible level of knowledge regarding it which means that when our clients request additional features, we can deliver.”

For Taiden, going above and beyond for a customer is not just a short-term investment. The manufacturer truly believes that projects such as the United Nations Office at Geneva help it evolve. Huang says: “We’re always looking for user feedback and we have the experience in the domain of conferencing across multiple projects. We use this to make sure that we are always updating and improving our products. We’re looking forward to taking all that we have learned from all projects and bringing the improvements to our customers across the globe. The customisations that we made to our paperless multimedia system for the UNOG project, we have decided to standardise them and these will be included in our product which will be launched in 2020 so that everyone can take advantage of our learnings and experience and use them for their conference rooms.”

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