Peer review: Powersoft X4 Amplifier

Powersoft X4 Amplifier reviewed by Alex Seah, project manager at AV World Engineering (Singapore).

The Powersoft X Series consists of the X4 and X8 power ampli?ers that have four and eight channels respectively. The X4 series evolves the concept of the ampli?cation platform though the integration of a worldwide compatible power-box and a full feature DSP inside the power ampli?er.

The X4’s complete digital audio signal management system is based on ARM Cortex A-8 processor and TI C6000 DSP platform. It provides non-boolean routing and mixing, multi-stage equalisation with raised-cosine, IIR and FIR ?lters, delay up to 4s in input processing and 200ms for time alignment, gain and polarity adjustment, crossover, peak limiters, TruePower limiters and Active DampingControl.

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