Voice Alarm: A balancing act

Modern developments in technology are changing how audio projects are implemented. But when human lives are at stake, every development must be evaluated and adopted with extreme caution.

Voice alarm systems are a mandated requirement and therefore will always have a captive market. Taro Togawa, product director of Asia & Paci?c department, TOA Corporation & marketing manager, TOA Electronics, says: “Voice alarm equipment has to comply with the local ?re code regulation. Individual countries have their own sets of ?re code standards. For example for Singapore the code of practise is SS 546.”

While the ?re code and building regulations might be different, the function of a voice alarm system broadly remains the same. This is especially true when the range of possible applications is narrowed to retail outlets. Togawa details: “Basic requirements for voice alarm for a commercial retail environment are no different from a regular of?ce building. However, in an ideal retail environment, the building’s main PA system should be able to override the local tenant system in event of emergency for evacuation announcement.”

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