Nexo chosen for music venue in Shanghai

The Nexo STM M28 has been chosen by a live music venue in Shanghai, China. VShow, a five year old KTV brand, has recently made the leap into live music, commissioning the V Livehouse. 

Nexo Shanghai dealer, Shanghai Haoyun Audio-Visual Equipments Co., Ltd. supplied the system, together with Top Plot Int’l. Ltd., Nexo’s China Distributor and Nexo’s sales and technical team to provide all support.

For this environment, a high-specification front-of-house PA was essential. The STM M28 ‘omni’ cabinet was a perfect fit for the venue, offering high SPL from small unobtrusive cabinets. Three M28s per side were installed, fitted with 120 degree flanges because of the relatively short throw required.

Below the STM clusters, four Nexo LS18 cabinets provided the sub-bass. A couple of Nexo PS10-R2s provide frontfill coverage, and outer edges of the room are covered by a total of four PS15-R2s.

On stage, two PS10-R2s are used as stage infill monitors, installed in the ceiling in front of the stage and facing down towards it at an angle. Drummers have their own Nexo PS10-R2/LS600 monitor system.

All systems are driven by Nexo NXAMP4x4s and NXAMP4x1 powered TDControllers. A Yamaha QL5 digital mixing console is at front-of-house.

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