Tohdai delivers online college prep courses with AJA Helo

Tohdai, a Tokyo-based medical software developer and education provider, delivers students with web-based courses taught through the company’s Hayabusa college preparatory program. It adopted AJA Helo for capturing these video classes.

Prior to integrating Helo, Hayabusa class footage was recorded onto standard flash memory SxS cards, which proved a less than optimal solution due to it lacking versatility and having ahigh unit cost. Introducing Helo into Tohdai’s pro AV education workflow provided the team with a standalone solution for flexible recording to a variety of affordable media selections, including SD cards and USB storage drives.

Hayabusa classes are shot on two Sony PXW-X160 cameras with a Tascam DR-10L pin microphone tapped for audio recording. Camera and audio sources are input to a Roland video switcher and routed to Helo for recording, which enables the team to switch simultaneously between the two cameras signals throughout video capture. All recording data is copied and transferred onto PCs for final edit via Adobe Premiere Pro.

Tohdai’s Kazuki Aizawa said: “Our team is new to working with proAV equipment and figuring out a streamlined approach for recording our classes was a challenging hurdle for us. Helo’s simple operation and easy-to-use recording features enable us to capture footage from multiple cameras and switch back-and-forth between sources, which saves us valuable time and steps throughout production.”

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