Allen & Heath dLive used for jazz festival in Taiwan

Allen & Heath’s dLive digital mixing system was used to manage FOH on the main stage at the Taichung Jazz Festival in Taiwan. The system was supplied by Just Music, a PA company, and comprised of a S5000 Surface with DM64 MixRack.

Taking place over ten consecutive days, the festival featured performances from national and international jazz artists and bands, including Taipei Jazz orchestra, the James Carter Organ Trio, Jane Monheit, and Lullaby for Youth with drummer, Billy Drummond.

Kao Min-Fu, an artists, said: “I requested dLive because I am very impressed with its simple and intuitive interface, which meant all the different sound engineers over the 10-day event could easily navigate the controls. dLive also has extremely advanced processing power, and the dynamics and FX package are excellent quality.”

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