Systems Electronics & Engineering upgrades Canning Garden Methodist Church’s sound system

Located in the northern city of Ipoh, Malaysia, Canning Garden Methodist Church’s sound system has been upgraded by Systems Electronics & Engineering.

Approximately 22 years ago Lim Kheong Sen, who is the country manager for Systems Electronics & Engineering, designed the original sound system which was being utilized by the church prior to the upgrade.

He also designed the new system and said: “I designed the original sound system in 1992 and it has been in continuous use up till today. The only notable difference is that the current technology, better design knowledge and techniques meant that we were able to make a notably distinct improvement to the sound.”

The Canning Garden Methodist Church was surveyed and the relevant data was entered into a loudspeaker simulation program to evaluate the design options available early in the upgrade process. The system design chosen was aimed to improve front to rear coverage as well as frequency response.

Among the new equipment, an Allen &Heath GLD112 mixer with AR2412 and two AR804 was used to offer flexibility for end users. Allen & Heath ME-U with six ME1 personal monitoring system was provided to allow the church’s musicians to dial in their own monitor mixes. Auto naming and input grouping features in the ME1 also allow for easy identification of channels for the user. Each group of users were also able to customize the console layers to suit their mixing style.

A Mackie HD system consisting of three HD1531 mains with HD1221 down fills and complemented by two HD1801 subwoofers handles audio duties. Signal processing is supplied via Mackie SP260 DSP. The entire system was calibrated and tuned using Rational Acoustics Smaart 7 program. Two Mackie DLM8 powered loudspeakers used as stage monitors along with two Furman CN3600 SE power conditioners and sequencing systems.

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