Kinly launches meeting control app

Visual collaboration specialist Kinly has launched a Meeting Assistant app that lets participants to join and control video meetings from a smartphone.

Alongside the Meeting Assistant app launch, Kinly announced Room Configurator and Smart Monitoring services. 

The Meeting Assistant app is compatible with Kinly Personal Cloud Rooms. It is available for iOS and Android devices, integrates with the user’s calendar and will tell the user when it’s time to be part of a video meeting. If other users are struggling to join a meeting, they can easily be dialled in via the Kinly Meeting Assistant from a smartphone. 

Room Configurator structures design and configuration of standardised smart meeting rooms. The design team can then select the technology, number of screens, presentation options and other service attachments, such as Smart Monitoring. 

Smart Monitoring enables proactive remote management of connections and equipment. It also delivers statistics on use, and analytics presented in useful dashboards, highlighting how rooms are used and what the performance of end points is. With this data Kinly can provide predictive maintenance and guidance on how to improve room usage. 

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