Two PA companies in India, namely Mumbai-based Rane Brothers and Punjab-based Romi Light and Sound Services, have invested in Allen & Heath products which have been supplied by distributor Sun Infonet.
Rane Brothers has purchased a dLive digital mixing system, selecting the flagship S7000 Control Surface with DM64 MixRack. Romi Light and Sound Services invested in a GLD-112 mixer with AR2412 and AR0804 remote IO racks.
Rane Brothers’ dLive system was used for the first time at the Indian Education Society’s Gaurav Din, managing speeches, presentations and musical performances. The event was attended by 1000 people.
The first events for Romi Sound’s new GLD-112 was a performance by renowned singer, Satinder Sartaj, at an event organised by Shivalik Public School, and a show by Bollywood singer, Master Salim.
Rane Brothers owner, Prashant Rane, said: ““I am impressed with the accuracy of the EQ and Dynamics, and also the FX library is amazing. We are planning to purchase another system soon, and configure a spilt to have a FOH and monitor system.”
Romi Bassi, owner of Romi Sound, commented: “The events went very smoothly due to GLD’s user friendly layout and excellent sound quality. Compared to other brands, I find the GLD much easier to use, and the FX, in particular the delays, are very fine!”