JBL and Crown power One Direction concert in Philippines

One Direction recently performed in Pasay, Philippines as part of the group’s “On the Road Again” tour. For the concert audio was handled by a Harman Professional system featuring JBL VTX line arrays and Crown I-Tech HD Series amplifiers. Audio services were provided by Manilla tour sound contractor SoundCheck.

The system deployed comprised of 16 JBL VTX V25 line array elements per side for the main PA along with eight VTX S28 subwoofers. An additional six S28 subs and six JBL Vertec VT4880A subwoofers per side were also ground-stacked two boxes high. Eight V25 loudspeakers on each side at 35 degrees off-axis were set up for the out fills and eight JBL VRX932LA Constant Curvature cabinets handled front fill. Two stereo sets of delay towers with 12 V20 loudspeakers per tower completed the system.

Crown I-Tech 12000HD amplifiers powered all the V25 line arrays and S28 subs, while all the V20 arrays were driven by Crown I-Tech 4x3500HD amps. JBL HiQnet Performance Manager software was used to set up, calibrate and control the entire system.

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